Description: Stamp to produce a 2d impression on vegetable tanned leather, must have 1/4" +/- 1 mm relief on a block approximately 1 1/2" sq
Project views: 25
Project status: In Design Now accepting:
Fabrication Bids
Design Type-Tier: simple-bronze
Design Price: US$995.00 |
Payment Pending
Fabrication Price:
Payment Pending
Order Number: 20200514230619-1658-10-0
Material desired: Plastic
Quantity desired: 1
Design File Parameters:
x dimension [mm]: 0.65
y dimension [mm]: 0.88
z dimension [mm]: 0.20
area [mm^2]: 4.01
volume [mm^3]:
total vol (qty: 1)[mm^3]:
Additional Information: Image includes 2 stage "banner.
One reads text " RALEIGH".
Other is black blank.
Please delete the black blank.
Other details original to the Raleigh logo unlikely to translate to leather impression. Some simplification optional.
dark center of heron may be small dots making feather or saw toothed profile
Dark spaces at banner ends simplify,
Dark space between "R" and "co" emptied...
Google: "Raleigh headbadge"
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