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Description: We are receiving word that our design for these broken luggage pieces do not work. It seems there might be several models with similar issues. We need your help to redesign a more robust solution that can be 3D printed with ease.

Project views: 51

Project status: New Now accepting: Designs

Design Type-Tier: simple-bronze

Design Price: US$995.00 | Paid: US$995.00

Fabrication Price: Payment Pending

Order Number: 20200511163907-1656-11-0

Material desired: plastic

Quantity desired: 10

Additional Information: Here's a dropbox folder with more supporting images to understand how these parts are breaking: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vxma6fxum863v3m/AADrmZB2Hlu2Wz1nzEtH-2YAa?dl=0

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