Description: I need a stainless steel storage box,with 1 door.The storage must be burglar proof and the door hinges must be strong enough to hold against force.
Project views: 175
Project status: New Now accepting:
Design Type-Tier: technical-gold
Design Price: US$500.00 |
Payment Pending
Fabrication Price:
Payment Pending
Order Number: 20150701000017-219-10-0
Additional Information: The exterior design's detail must make it hard for a possible force entry/break-in of the storage. Would you be able to design such unit and create blue print with exact details and measurements for the door mechanism to properly work. This way, when I will hand it over to a metal worker for production they can follow your mechanical design. I will give the dimension of the box later if I will know that you are capable to do this job.
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