Dassault Systems CATIA v5
Software Tags: automotive, AEROSPACE, ROBOTICS Chris D. McCoy (You3Dit)
Why I design w/this software? it can handle large assemblies well. Many professional and scaled products use this CAD package
Autodesk Fusion360, 2019
Software Tags: generative design, IoT, ROBOTICS Matthew Domine
Why I design w/this software? E27
Solidworks Solidworks, 2018
Software Tags: generative design, IoT, ROBOTICS Matthew Domine
Why I design w/this software? E27
Autodesk, Solidworks Fusion 360, solidworks 2018-2019
Software Tags: automotive, tools, general design, ROBOTICS, medical appliances Justin Wong
Why I design w/this software? E27 UC Berkeley
Solidworks 2020
Software Tags: AEROSPACE, ROBOTICS, automotive Mark Theis
Why I design w/this software? E27 -- I met Mr. McCory when he gave a guest lecture in my manufacturing and tolerance class. I personally love product design, building items in CAD, and solving problems!
Solidworks 2017
Software Tags: industrial, industrial machinery, ROBOTICS
Why I design w/this software? I am experienced and most comfortable with Solidworks.