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Description: 3D Print both the face-shield.stl. Orient both 3D models to print flat on the build platform. We recommend printing both models with as large a layer height as possible to expedite the print time.

Project views: 89

Project status: In Fabrication Now accepting: Fabrication Bids

Design Type-Tier: simple-bronze

Design Price: US$995.00 | Payment Pending

Fabrication Price: Paid: US$36.00

Order Number: 20200408222754-1603-01-0

Material desired: PETG or PLA

Quantity desired: 25

Design File Parameters:

x dimension [mm]: 195.81
y dimension [mm]: 141.09
z dimension [mm]: 17.05

area [mm^2]: 31763.44
volume [mm^3]: 24625.62
total vol (qty: 25)[mm^3]: 615640.38
Additional Information: S U G G E S T E D P R I N T PA R A M E T E R S : Layer Height: 0.3mm Infill: 10% Perimeters: 2 Bottom Solid Layers: 2 Top Solid Layers: 2

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