Description: My final Da Vinci glider for AA 119N
Here is the updated link to the folder with my three STL files, one for the fuselage + tail, and one for each of the wings:
Project views: 22
Project status: In Fabrication Now accepting:
Fabrication Bids
Design Type-Tier: simple-bronze
Design Price: US$995.00 |
Payment Pending
Fabrication Price:
Payment Pending
Order Number: 20200602094130-1674-01-0
Material desired: MJF material
Quantity desired: 1
Design File Parameters:
x dimension [mm]: 154.30
y dimension [mm]: 143.58
z dimension [mm]: 27.07
area [mm^2]: 5477.15
volume [mm^3]:
total vol (qty: 1)[mm^3]:
Additional Information: I was hoping to use MJF for this design. I have updated the wing files so hopefully there won't be an issue with the manifold anymore.
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