Project status: Designed Now accepting:
Fabrication Bids
Design Type-Tier: simple-bronze
Design Price: US$995.00 |
Payment Pending
Fabrication Price:
Payment Pending
Order Number: 20210519082628-1831-01-0
Material desired: MJF
Quantity desired: 1
Design File Parameters:
x dimension [mm]: 180.00
y dimension [mm]: 143.78
z dimension [mm]: 19.77
area [mm^2]: 26738.28
volume [mm^3]:
total vol (qty: 1)[mm^3]:
Additional Information: For this glider, I combined multiple parts which hopefully will print as one piece. To reduce weight, I extruded out inside parts for the glider but if that might mess up with the printing, please let me know. I'm also not too sure if the wall thickness might be too small at some parts. If possible, could I get this printed using MJF?
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