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Creality Ender 3 V2

Machine Tags: 3D Printing, PLA
Location: Elburg, GE

3D Systems ProX 950 (SLA, F)

Machine Tags: SLA, photopolymerization, 3D Printing, additive manufacturing, 1500x750x550 mm
Location: Carlsbad, CA

HP MJF 580

Machine Tags: Full color, 3D Printing, additive manufacturing
Location: Chicago, IL

Dremel Digilab 3D45

Machine Tags: 3D Printing, ABS, PLA, ECO-ABS, Nylon, PETG
Location: St. Pete Beach, Florida

MarkForged Mark Two

Machine Tags: Nylon, Continuous Fibre, Continuous Fiber, Kevlar, Carbon Fiber, Carbon Fibre, Fibreglass, Fiberglass, 3D Printing, Carbon Filled, Onyx
Location: Shailer Park, Queensland

Stratasys Fortus 900mc

Machine Tags: 3D Printing, fdm, Large Scale, MN Printing
Location: Litchfield, MN

Formlabs Form 2

Machine Tags: 3D Printing, SLA, high detail, Resin, High Temp, Castable, Flexible
Location: twyford, Berkshire

Raise3d N2

Machine Tags: PLA, ABS, 3D Printing, UK, fdm, Prototype
Location: twyford, Berkshire

Ultimaker 2+

Machine Tags: Ultimaker 2+, 3D Printing, ABS, Nylon, Flexible, TPU, Ninja Flex
Location: NYC, New York

Forlmlabs Form 2

Machine Tags: Rubicon2, Bangkok, Thailand, form2, 3D design, 3D scan, 3D Printing, Rhino, Jewelry, Furniture
Location: Bangkok, Bangkok

Formlabs Form 2

Machine Tags: Formlabs, form2, SLA, 3D Printer, 3D Printing, sf, san francisco
Location: San Francisco, CA

Lulzbot Mini with Flexystruder

Machine Tags: Lulzbot, Mini, Flexystruder, ninjaflex, 3D Printing, 3D Printer
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Formlabs Form 1+

Machine Tags: Formlabs, Form 1+, 3D Printing, 3D Printer
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Zortrax M200

Machine Tags: Zortrax, M200, 3D Printer, 3D Printing
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Printrbot Simple Metal with Heated Bed

Machine Tags: 3D Printing
Location: Berkeley, California

LulzBot Taz

Machine Tags: 3D Printing, FFF
Location: Westfield, Indiana

RepRap Prusa i3

Machine Tags: 3D Printing, RepRap
Location: Utrera, Sevilla

Makerbot Replicator 2

Machine Tags: 3D Printing, PLA, 1.75mm
Location: Palma, Illes Balears

Makerbot Makerbot

Machine Tags: 3D Printing
Location: new york , ny

MakerBot Replicator 2

Machine Tags: 3D Printing, PLA, Makerbot, printing, fabricating, 3D Printer
Location: Fremont, CA