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I want an insulated shed that can safely and securely protect our bicycles from the environment and local criminals

Project views: 22

Project status: Designed Now accepting: Fabrication Bids

Design Type-Tier: simple-bronze

Design Price: US$995.00 | Payment Pending

Fabrication Price: Payment Pending

Order Number: 20250105170825-2589-11-0

Material desired: Wood

Quantity desired: 1

Design File Parameters:

x dimension [mm]: 4.62
y dimension [mm]: 2.05
z dimension [mm]: 2.27

area [mm^2]: 18.44
volume [mm^3]: 3.36
total vol (qty: 1)[mm^3]: 3.36
Additional Information:


  1. fit up to 4x bicycles of large size
  2. blend in with our current fencing landscape and structures
  3. be level with the ground
  4. protect from rain, weather
  5. protect from criminals
  6. Be easy to remove one bike without moving all others. 

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