Steve Morris

I believe in the transformative power of making things with my hands, and the deep sense of agency that can be gained through creating real, tangible things.

Silver Spring, MD, US


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Preview image Model Tags Designer Actions
Inkscape Current
Steve Morris
TinkerCad Current
Steve Morris
CorelDraw x7 X7
Steve Morris
Fusion 360 Current
Steve Morris


Preview image Model Tags Location
Inventables Shapeoko 2 CNC Mill
Silver Spring, Maryland
Printrbot Simple Metal 3D Printer
Silver Spring, Maryland
Roland GS-24 Vinyl Cutter
Silver Spring, Maryland
ReadyBox 12.5" x 12.5" x 12.5" Build Volume 3DPrinter
Silver Spring, Maryland
Universal VLS 4.60 Laser Cutter, laser cutting, engraving, ETCHING, outlining
Silver Spring, Maryland